A downloadable game

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Good morrow, your highness!

You are invited to join me in transforming your home into a mighty castle. There, you may invite dignitaries, hone your skills, fight off invaders, or explore the lands around it. Expand your kingdom and with it, your mind.

Castle Home is a mindfulness game composed of a pile of episodic print-and-play tri- or quad-fold modules. These either consist of game rules, key story points, or reusable weekly events, all with the goal of fantasy and mental health. You will give yourself and your home stats, then use those during events or boost them with weekly cleaning and/or daily meditations.

If you are interested in more, please drop a comment on what module you would like to see next!


Version: 1.0 Placeholder coat of arms and email, else finished, will update with appropriate crest building and correspondence modules are created, respectively.


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00 - Castle Home - Introduction & Welcome 396 kB

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